overworked dental student

classmate bakes cookies for the class on the day of fpd practical are laced with chocolate laxatives

classmate bakes cookies for the class on the day of fpd practical are laced with chocolate laxatives  overworked dental student


NOTO BONO  overworked dental student

tells self will detox buys case of 5hr energy

tells self will detox buys case of 5hr energy  overworked dental student

Asks you how the exam went Just so she can tell you how awesome it went for her.

Asks you how the exam went Just so she can tell you how awesome it went for her.  overworked dental student

"Close your laptops and listen to Ivan Blazen" watch Iron Man 2 on phone

3 hours of sleep etched the wrong tooth, keeps working

3 hours of sleep etched the wrong tooth, keeps working  overworked dental student

Don't feel like studying Procrastinate by going to class

Don't feel like studying Procrastinate by going to class  overworked dental student

a patient tells you they hate dentists thats fine... because i hate patients

a patient tells you they hate dentists thats fine... because
i hate patients  overworked dental student

Arrive on time for your next appointment or I will end you

Arrive on time for your next appointment or I will end you  overworked dental student

Burrito express + Sim lab vacuum on gtfo

Burrito express + Sim lab vacuum on  gtfo  overworked dental student
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