overly manly man

the proper way to shave your beard is not shaving your beard

the proper way to shave your beard is not shaving your beard  overly manly man

Crutches? You mean bitch sticks?

Crutches? You mean bitch sticks?  overly manly man

Emoticons!? Must have been invented by a vagina

Emoticons!? Must have been invented by a vagina 
  overly manly man

Marmite? You mean Bovril?

Marmite? You mean Bovril?  overly manly man

I Farted! That's As Close To Me Giving a Shit As Your Going To Get

I Farted! That's As Close To Me Giving a Shit As Your Going To Get  overly manly man

Thats my daughter

 Thats my daughter  overly manly man

Bacon spatula? You mean fingers.

Bacon spatula?  You mean fingers.  overly manly man

dish washer im married to one

dish washer im married to one  overly manly man

You're on your period? Take out your tampon or I will.

You're on your period?  Take out your tampon or I will.   overly manly man

Infantry You mean Boy Scouts

Infantry You mean Boy Scouts  overly manly man
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