overly manly man

Birthday? You mean new personal record for number of days lived.

Birthday? You mean new personal record for number of days lived.  overly manly man

Fisting? You mean uppercunts?

Fisting? You mean uppercunts?  overly manly man

cough syrup? You mean bourbon?

cough syrup? You mean bourbon?  overly manly man

Heroin? You mean breakfast?

Heroin? You mean breakfast?  overly manly man

work out supplement? You must mean whiskey

work out supplement? You must mean whiskey  overly manly man

cotton doesn't pick itself, nigger

cotton  doesn't pick itself, nigger  overly manly man

Icy roads? Don't you mean full scale slick track?

Icy roads? Don't you mean full scale slick track?  overly manly man

Blood? you mean after shave?

Blood? you mean after shave?  overly manly man

Smoke grenades? air freshener!

Smoke grenades? air freshener!  overly manly man

Feeling stressed? Yes, I felt that way once... when I was finding mines with my bayonet

Feeling stressed? Yes, I felt that way once... 
when I was finding mines with my bayonet  overly manly man
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