Broken link? my downvote seems to be working just fine

Broken link? my downvote seems to be working just fine  Downvoting Roman

Asks to borrow phone goes through all of your texts

Asks to borrow phone goes through all of your texts  Scumbag Steve

Don't know words excuse not to talk to racist Grandpa

Don't know words excuse not to talk to racist Grandpa  Success Kid

"Am I doing this right?" NO

Jesus, you came back sooner than i expected did you teach humanity about science, equality and rationality as we agreed?

Jesus, you came back sooner than i expected did you teach humanity about science, equality and rationality as we agreed?  Advice God

i have no opinion on the subject i'm just a wolf

i have no opinion on the subject i'm just a wolf  Sanity Wolf

Why was six afraid of seven? It wasn't. Numbers are not sentient and thus incapable of feeling fear.

Why was six afraid of seven?
 It wasn't. 
Numbers are not sentient and thus incapable of feeling fear.  Schrute

Accidentally let go of shift "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK"

Accidentally let go of shift

Not sure if every Minecraft player is an engineer or I just suck at using red stone

Not sure if every Minecraft player is an engineer or I just suck at using red stone  Futurama Fry

Run into a mannequin apologize

Run into a mannequin apologize   Socially Awkward Penguin