Your pet isn't giving a fuck? Neither am I

Your pet isn't giving a fuck? Neither am I  Downvoting Roman

take your kid to work day works at abortion clinic

take your kid to work day works at abortion clinic  Insanity Wolf

are you going to accept the deal? it's either meow or never

are you going to accept the deal? it's either meow or never  Business Cat

my son wants to make video games when he grows up so it's important he plays as much as he can to learn

my son wants to make video games when he grows up so it's important he plays as much as he can to learn  Oblivious Suburban Mom

Need to pee when cat is in bathroom "That's OK, I'll come back later."

Need to pee when cat is in bathroom

Why couldn't the butcher reach the meat? The steaks were too high!

Why couldn't the butcher reach the meat? The steaks were too high!  Lame Pun Coon

i have to tell you something but don't get mad, ok? alright, what is it? I smoked the last pack of newports.

i have to tell you something but don't get mad, ok? alright, what is it? I smoked the last pack of newports.  Joker with Black guy

Snitches get You a hundred and fifty points in Quidditch.

Snitches get You a hundred and fifty points in Quidditch.  Successful Black Man

new relationship profile picture of them making out

new relationship profile picture of them making out  Annoying Facebook Girl

Eye gets itchy during sad part of movie Don't scratch for fear of looking like you're crying

Eye gets itchy during sad part of movie Don't scratch for fear of looking like you're crying  Socially Awkward Penguin