More nervous talking to girls Than jumping out of an airplane

More nervous talking to girls Than jumping out of an airplane  Socially Awkward Penguin

You can immediately stop paper cuts and their pain with lemon juice

You can immediately stop paper cuts and their pain
 with lemon juice  Malicious Advice Mallard

goes to Europe to experience culture eats at taco bell

goes to Europe to experience culture eats at taco bell  Sheltered Suburban Kid

I know so much about science that i can't watch sci-fi movies without thinking how stupid they are

I know so much about science that i can't watch sci-fi movies without thinking how stupid they are  First World Problems

Boss:I'm trying to lose 20 pounds before the wedding... Fiancee is trying to lose 50 Coworker: Wow, she must be huge

Boss:I'm trying to lose 20 pounds
before the wedding...
Fiancee is trying to lose 50 Coworker:
Wow, she must be huge  Socially Awkward Penguin

If you're asking a stranger to take a picture for you Pick a heavyset person that couldn't outrun you with your camera

If you're asking a stranger to take a picture for you Pick a heavyset person that couldn't outrun you with your camera  Actual Advice Mallard

Hey buddy, I noticed you had lot of bugs in your bathroom, so I've taken care of them ...whats the shampoo bottle for

Hey buddy, I noticed you had lot of bugs in your bathroom, so I've taken care of them ...whats the shampoo bottle for  Misunderstood Spider

going to see a play practices clapping in the mirror

going to see a play practices clapping in the mirror  Socially Awkward Penguin

I have 5 chances to guess my birthday present? It's a ring. I'm done guessing.

I have 5 chances to guess my birthday present? It's a ring. I'm done guessing.  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Doesn't have any bad exes Because i've never had a girlfriend

Doesn't have any bad exes Because i've never had a girlfriend  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin