You must be made of Uranium and Iodine Because all I can see is U and I

You must be made of Uranium and Iodine Because all I can see is U and I  Chemistry Cat

Slammed a door loudly by accident Everyone thinks I'm in a bad mood

Slammed a door loudly by accident Everyone thinks I'm in a bad mood  Socially Awkward Penguin

two moms two sandwiches

two moms two sandwiches  Success Kid

God loves you False: If he was a perfect being he would be devoid of irrational emotions.

God loves you False: If he was a perfect being he would be devoid of irrational emotions.  Schrute

not sure if attracted to me or just wants free drinks

not sure if attracted to me or just wants free drinks  Futurama Fry

Hears cat throwing up I GOT THIS

Hears cat throwing up I GOT THIS  Disgusting Doggy

Hoh hoh hoh Water joke

Hoh hoh hoh Water joke  Chemistry Cat

"I'm finally free from my parents" Goes home every weekend

friends are over relentlessly fucks a pillow

friends are over relentlessly fucks a pillow  Disgusting Doggy

not sure if air raid or just noon

not sure if air raid or just noon  Futurama Fry