Sell your textbooks on ebay, amazon, craigslist, or to other students not back to the bookstore or other resellers

Sell your textbooks on ebay, amazon, craigslist, or to other students not back to the bookstore or other resellers   Actual Advice Mallard

I see you've lost 1 pound this week You should reward yourself by eating whatever you like

I see you've lost 1 pound this week You should reward yourself by eating whatever you like  Scumbag Brain

Your mom's out of town this week Today's meal shall be steak with a side of shut the fuck up

Your mom's out of town this week Today's meal shall be steak with a side of shut the fuck up  overly manly man

people who say "the real world sucks compared to college" are the people who didn't have to work during college

people who say

I take batteries from my kids' toys and use them for my vibrator.

I take batteries from my kids' toys and use them for my vibrator.  Confession Bear

Finally answers girlfriend's repeated calls at work Only to get broken up with then fired for using a phone on the jobsite

Finally answers girlfriend's repeated calls at work  Only to get broken up with then fired for using a phone on the jobsite   Bad Luck Brian

what if i told you The only thing that proves science wrong, is science?

what if i told you The only thing that proves science wrong, is science?  Matrix Morpheus

Finals approaching Unwrap Textbook from plastic wrap

Finals approaching Unwrap Textbook
from plastic wrap  Lazy College Senior

I adopted your dog so now if you leave me, you have to leave him

I adopted your dog so now if you leave me, you have to leave him  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I actually like it when guys stare at my boobs it boosts my self esteem

I actually like it when guys stare at my boobs it boosts my self esteem  Confession Bear