Yo, east coast, I'mma let you finish But Haiti had one of the best earthquakes of all time

Yo, east coast, I'mma let you finish But Haiti had one of the best earthquakes of all time  Interrupting Kanye

once you go black you never go back i don't even put sugar in anymore

once you go black you never go back i don't even put sugar in anymore  Successful Black Man

Oh god, everyone is mia and I'm over extended

Oh god, everyone is mia and I'm over extended   Horrorcat

Hates consoles and anyone that uses them Is a circlejerk for retro consoles

Hates consoles and anyone that uses them Is a circlejerk for retro consoles  Scumbag Redditor

Not sure if roads just suck Or if my car is about to fail catastrophically

Not sure if roads just suck Or if my car is about to fail catastrophically   Futurama Fry

says he smokes mad weed has never bought weed

says he smokes mad weed has never bought weed   College Freshman

Dad, boys are in the back yard!!! How many? All of them... MY MILKSHAKES!!!!

Dad, boys are in the back yard!!! How many? All of them... MY MILKSHAKES!!!!  Stare Dad


Earthquake UPDATES FACEBOOK STATUS  Annoying Facebook Girl

I'm am too damn high for that earthquake

I'm am too damn high for that earthquake  Jimmy McMillan

Brace yourselves the Earthquake posts are coming

Brace yourselves
the Earthquake posts 
are coming  Imminent Ned