omg zelda! ...a link to what?

omg zelda! ...a link to what?  Idiot Nerd Girl

Has a full shopping cart Looks behind. notice you only have a six pack. offers to let you check out before him.

Has a full shopping cart Looks behind. notice  you only have a six pack. offers to let you check out before him.   Good Guy Greg

there will be a free tutorial on how to use the library system today at 4 o'clock Actually goes

there will be a free tutorial on how to use the library system today at 4 o'clock Actually goes  College Freshman

dude, Natty light sucks hand me that keystone

dude, Natty light sucks hand me that keystone  College Freshman

not sure if Professor is waiting for a response Or just pausing after a rhetorical question

not sure if Professor is waiting for a response Or just pausing after a rhetorical question  Futurama Fry

need a new ceo, apple? why not zoidberg?

need a new ceo, apple? why not zoidberg?  Futurama Zoidberg

Monty ptyhon is the funniest guy ever

Monty  ptyhon is the funniest guy ever  Idiot Nerd Girl

Brace yourself, Steve Jobs posts are coming.

Brace yourself, 
Steve Jobs posts 
are coming.  Imminent Ned

I asked him if he wanted some cucumber He said "I know where that's been"

I asked him if he wanted some cucumber He said

Raises Hand Asks to go the bathroom.

Raises Hand Asks to go the bathroom.  College Freshman