ask for a cookie "you mean a biscotto"

ask for a cookie

Makes "why not zoidberg?" joke calls her a karma whore


Sometimes I wonder why the frisbee is getting bigger THEN IT HITS ME

Sometimes I wonder why the frisbee is getting bigger THEN IT HITS ME  Lame Pun Coon

I Love Comic Books Watched one Spiderman movie

I Love Comic Books Watched one Spiderman movie  Idiot Nerd Girl

Plays his new favorite song for you doesn't annoy you about the good part coming up

Plays his new favorite song for you doesn't annoy you about the good part coming up  Good Guy Greg

You date World Champion of Magic: The Gathering? Why you no date world champion of StarCraft?

You date World Champion of Magic: The Gathering? Why you no date world champion of StarCraft?  High Expectations Asian Father

the human brain named itself the brain

the human brain named itself the brain  Stoner Dog

Should crematoriums give discounts for burn victims?

Should crematoriums give discounts for 
 burn victims?   Philosoraptor

Thinks White people are more evolved than every other race Doesn't Believe in Evolution

Thinks White people are more evolved than every other race Doesn't Believe in Evolution  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Did that kid just throw a rock at my car? Get the crossbow.

Did that kid just throw a rock at my car? Get the crossbow.  The Rock Driving