Can't tell if game froze or still loading

Can't tell if game froze or still loading  Futurama Fry

Professor announces that 5% of grade is class participation Settles for a 95

Professor announces that 5% of grade is class participation Settles for a 95  Socially Awkward Penguin

Put. That catnip. Down. catnip's for closers only.

Put. That catnip. Down.  catnip's for closers only.   Business Cat

Thinks about a past conversation New response is said out loud

Thinks about a past conversation New response is said out loud  Socially Awkward Penguin

One New Text Message From Nokia

One New Text Message From Nokia  Forever Alone

Go ahead and test me, I'm clean Unrelated question: does catnip show up on drug tests?

Go ahead and test me, I'm clean Unrelated question: does catnip show up on drug tests?  Business Cat

build up courage to talk to hot black chick tell her how i slaved at work all day

build up courage to talk to hot black chick tell her how i slaved at work all day  Socially Awkward Penguin

Knows how to work projector Watches professor struggle for 40 minutes.

Knows how to work projector Watches professor struggle for 40 minutes.  Socially Awkward Penguin

I'm not always called sensitive But when I am, it's probably sarcasm.

I'm not always called sensitive But when I am, it's probably sarcasm.   The Most Interesting Man In The World

knock knock jehovah's witnesses

knock knock jehovah's witnesses  Anti-Joke Chicken