Come out as a racist Everyone thinks you're joking

Come out as a racist Everyone thinks you're joking  Betty White Problems

My friend told me scientists had discovered Pokemon I got lost in the woods looking for a Pikachu

My friend told me scientists had discovered Pokemon I got lost in the woods looking for a Pikachu   Confession kid

Cook Bacon the morning after a party at your parents house it will cover up the smell of booze and weed

Cook Bacon the morning after a party at your parents house it will cover up the smell of booze and weed  Actual Advice Mallard

you know what really grinds my gears? when you let someone into traffic and they don't give a courtesy wave.

you know what really grinds my gears? when you let someone into traffic and they don't give a courtesy wave.   Grinds my gears

If a decent-looking, sane girl finds you attractive Hold onto her like grim death

If a decent-looking, sane girl finds you attractive Hold onto her like grim death  Actual Advice Mallard

you know what really grinds my gears? When people use their cell phone as a personal stereo in public

you know what really grinds my gears? When people use their cell phone as a personal stereo in public  Grinds my gears

When i was a kid i thought the indicator arrows in a car told the driver to take a turn

When i was a kid i thought the indicator arrows in a car told the driver to take a turn  Confession kid

First date with a girl ex is our waitress

First date with a girl ex is our waitress  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

The people in the apartment next to me watch music on youtube very loud at 1-3 in the morning So I hack their router and lock them out of it

The people in the apartment next to me watch music on youtube very loud at 1-3 in the morning So I hack their router and lock them out of it  Confession Bear

Network connection problems? Better search online for a solution

Network connection problems? Better search online for a solution  Scumbag windows