May I ask a question? "You just did"

May I ask a question?

stuck crayons up nose got lolipop from doctor

stuck crayons up nose got lolipop from doctor  Success Kid

"I took 6 classes a day in high school, I can do the same in college!" Dies

Not sure if N64 games were actually better or if just because I was 10

Not sure if N64 games were actually better or if just because I was 10  Futurama Fry

Stand in a circle with a group of people talking Circle slowly changes shape to no longer include you

Stand in a circle with a group of people talking Circle slowly changes shape to no longer include you  Socially Awkward Penguin

"omg, the 90's were the best <333" born in 1998

if you put lil wayne and lil john together would you have a full size john wayne?

if you put lil wayne and lil john together would you have a full size john wayne?  Philosoraptor

knows friend works at particular restaurant doesn't ask for free food

knows friend works at particular restaurant doesn't ask for free food   Good Guy Greg


ask a LEGITIMATE question

phone vibrates Relieved it's only a text

phone vibrates Relieved it's only a text  Socially Awkward Penguin