I took a really hard Calculus test today Now I can barely function

I took a really hard Calculus test today Now I can barely function  Lame Pun Coon

Not sure if that child has a Neurodevelopmental disorder or just a *#@&ing brat

Not sure if that child has a Neurodevelopmental disorder or just a *#@&ing brat  Futurama Fry

Move into house with new roommates Crack WEP instead of asking

Move into house with new roommates Crack WEP instead of asking  Socially Awkward Penguin

Drinks a case of keystone light Tapes box to dorm room wall

Drinks a case of keystone light Tapes box to dorm room wall  College Freshman

"No one knows what it's like to be the bad man. To be the sad man. behind blue eyes." -Fred durst

admin boasts of 700k hits every 15 minutes reddit goes down under heavy load

admin boasts of 700k hits every 15 minutes reddit goes down under heavy load  Scumbag Steve

Makes your bladder hold it in for the whole night. Wakes you up a half hour before your alarm goes off to piss.

Makes your bladder hold it in for the whole night. Wakes you up a half hour before your alarm goes off to piss.  Scumbag Brain

standing in the queue at fast food restaurant SILENTLY REHEARSING ORDER to self TWENTY TIMES

standing in the queue at fast food restaurant SILENTLY REHEARSING ORDER to self TWENTY TIMES  Socially Awkward Penguin

Not sure if atheist or just reasonable

Not sure if atheist or just reasonable  Futurama Fry

The Volume of the commercials Is too damn high

The Volume of the commercials Is too damn high  Jimmy McMillan