Not sure if drunk driver Or just texting

Not sure if drunk driver Or just texting  Futurama Fry

I DON'T ALWAYS EXPLORE THE BACKYARD WITH MY CAT but when i do, it's when I'm high

I DON'T ALWAYS EXPLORE THE BACKYARD WITH MY CAT but when i do, it's when I'm high  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Hey guys I just got the new Deus Ex

Hey guys I just got the new Deus Ex  Slowpoke

Hears You're Going to walk home Offers you a ride so you get home safe

Hears You're Going to walk home Offers you a ride so you get home safe  Good Guy Greg

Needs a piece of paper in class erases a whole used piece instead of asking someone

Needs a piece of paper in class erases a whole used piece instead of asking someone  Socially Awkward Penguin

Not sure if im just unattractive wearing glasses or i need glasses to see that im unattractive

Not sure if im just unattractive wearing glasses or i need glasses to see that im unattractive  Futurama Fry

apparently HAS PROBLEMSSSSSSSSSSSSSS with her keyboardddddddddddddd

apparently HAS PROBLEMSSSSSSSSSSSSSS with her keyboardddddddddddddd  Annoying Facebook Girl

I don't always feel like I'm at the top of the gene pool But when I do, I'm at walmart

I don't always feel like I'm at the top of the gene pool But when I do, I'm at walmart  The Most Interesting Man In The World

just connected a wireless mouse to a computer best nerd moment ever

just connected a wireless mouse to a computer best nerd moment ever  Idiot Nerd Girl

realize in wrong class 5 minutes in stand up, kick over desk, "fuck this class" walk out

realize in wrong class 5 minutes in stand up, kick over desk,