friendzone? maybe one day

friendzone? maybe one day  Forever Alone

Went to burger king Got a crown

Went to burger king Got a crown  Success Kid

Not sure if gangsters like small, child bicycles Or can't afford bigger ones

Not sure if gangsters like small, child bicycles Or can't afford bigger ones  Futurama Fry

Tells you he is religious Never brings it up again

Tells you he is religious  Never brings it up again  Good Guy Greg

see black people coming towards me "Can't cross the street now, or they'll think I'm racist"

see black people coming towards me

I don't always tell her how I feel But when I do, I fuck it up.

I don't always tell her how I feel But when I do, I fuck it up.  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Make eye contact with someone at work Fuck, they know im high

Make eye contact with someone at work Fuck,       
 they know im high  Paranoid Parrot

no one else is in the public restroom takes out penis 10 feet before arriving at the urinal.

no one else is in the public restroom takes out penis 10 feet before arriving at the urinal.  Foul Bachelor Frog

there is no such thing as being too damn high

there is no such thing as being too damn high  Jimmy McMillan

Notice the product you want is behind the counter I can buy it somewhere else

Notice the product you want is behind the counter I can buy it somewhere else  Socially Awkward Penguin