girl took my juicebox? put a my little pony head in her crib

girl took my juicebox? put a my little pony head in her crib  Baby Godfather

Who the fuck is Simon? I'm the one who gives the orders around here

Who the fuck is Simon? I'm the one who gives the orders around here  Baby Godfather

what would hipsters do if being a hipster becomes mainstream?

what would hipsters do if being a hipster becomes mainstream?  Philosoraptor

Called the Rape help line today unfortunately, it's only for victims.

Called the Rape help line today unfortunately, it's only for victims.  Insanity Wolf

zombie outbreak survives

zombie outbreak survives   Forever Alone

he took my nose ill take his kneecaps

he took my nose  ill take his kneecaps  Baby Godfather

How do deaf people tell the difference between yawning And screaming

How do deaf people tell the difference between yawning And screaming  Philosoraptor

You should have gone to the bathroom during lunch Three periods ago

You should have gone to the bathroom during lunch Three periods ago  Unhelpful High School Teacher

balls torn off loves you anyway

balls torn off loves you anyway  Good Dog Greg

Not sure if high on salvia Or about to fucking die

Not sure if high on salvia Or about to fucking die  Futurama Fry