Tell that motherfucker If he comes down my chimney again, he's dead

Tell that motherfucker If he comes down my chimney again, he's dead  Baby Godfather

i want answers tickle him until he talks

i want answers tickle him until he talks  Baby Godfather

I don't always wear sunglasses But when I do, I'm staring at your tits

I don't always wear sunglasses But when I do, I'm staring at your tits  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Three Little pigs disrespect me? Send in the wolf.

Three Little pigs disrespect me? Send in the wolf.  Baby Godfather

puts on tuxedo is now 2 memes

puts on tuxedo is now 2 memes  Success Kid

Jack and Jill On my turf? Make it look like an accident.

Jack and Jill On my turf? Make it look like an accident.  Baby Godfather

Termites you say? i got this

Termites you say? i got this  I got this

DAAAAAAD! I saw a dead man in our basement! Are you sure? Yes! Wrong answer.

DAAAAAAD! I saw a dead man in our basement! Are you sure? Yes! Wrong answer.  Stare Dad

Vinny needs to go into hiding Someone put their hands over his eyes

Vinny needs to go into hiding Someone put their hands over his eyes  Baby Godfather

Buys funny shirt never wears it because it draws too much attention

Buys funny shirt never wears it because it draws too much attention  Socially Awkward Penguin