Hey Hermione. Want to stick our fingers in each others belly-buttons? Sure! How do w...Oh, Harry. That's not my belly-button. That's not my finger.

Hey Hermione.  Want to stick our fingers in each others belly-buttons? Sure! How do w...Oh, Harry.  That's not my belly-button. That's not my finger.  Horny Harry

Hermoine, Do you know why opinions ar like orgasms? No I don't care if you have one

Hermoine, Do you know why opinions ar like orgasms?  No I don't care if you have one   Horny Harry

He texted me saying we should have sex He texted his whole phonebook the same thing

He texted me saying we should have sex He texted his whole phonebook the same thing  Redditors Wife

"I'm a creative writing major" "You can make a ton of money, you get as many days off as you want, and you work whatever hours you feel like!"

If you photoshop a male nipple on a female nipple Is it still obscene?

If you photoshop a male nipple on a female nipple Is it still obscene?  Philosoraptor

manages to hook up with a girl at a party instant girlfriend the next day

manages to hook up with a girl at a party instant girlfriend the next day  College Freshman

"Why do girls only care about looks?" Only goes for hot girls

Not sure if she trying to convey sarcasm through text message Or if she's just a bitch

Not sure if she trying to convey sarcasm through text message Or if she's just a bitch  Futurama Fry

there are plenty of fish in the sea? false. overfishing has led to a critical depletion of oceanic fishery stocks

there are plenty of fish in the sea? false.
overfishing has led to a critical depletion of oceanic fishery stocks  Schrute

prepare iron-clad defensive argument in case you get accused of something

prepare iron-clad defensive argument in case you get accused of something  Paranoid Parrot