Gets cut in line Fantasizes about confronting them for the rest of the queue

Gets cut in line Fantasizes about confronting them for the rest of the queue  Socially Awkward Penguin

I use this desk job To support my catnip habit

I use this desk job To support my catnip habit  Business Cat

not sure if dying or just hungover

not sure if dying or just hungover  Futurama Fry

We've moved The meeting to the upstairs conference room there is a larger sun-beam on the floor

We've moved The meeting to the upstairs conference room there is a larger sun-beam on the floor  Business Cat

Sneeze while laying in bed watching tv Ab workout complete

Sneeze while laying in bed watching tv Ab workout complete  Foul Bachelor Frog

Waitress brings wrong food It's OK, I like this better

Waitress brings wrong food It's OK, I like this better  Socially Awkward Penguin

close my eyes immune to monsters in my room

close my eyes immune to monsters in my room  Success Kid

"I am the bread of life" creates glueten intolerance

I don't always drink beer, But when I do, I'm reminded why I don't.

I don't always drink beer, But when I do,
I'm reminded why I don't.  The Most Interesting Man In The World

brushes into cobweb now i have a poisonous spider on me

brushes into cobweb now i have a poisonous spider on me  Paranoid Parrot