I said that I'm here for him and he can ask me anything He demanded that I verify my identity first

I said that I'm here for him and he can ask me anything He demanded that I verify my identity first  Redditors Wife

unemployed, overweight, bad hygiene, no hobbies besides video games, condescending to every girl he knows but angry when they don't talk to him enough "girls don't like me because they only like jerks"

unemployed, overweight, bad hygiene, no hobbies besides video games, condescending to every girl he knows but angry when they don't talk to him enough

"We need a single rider over here!" Right here

Not sure if I like my job or just happy to be employed

Not sure if I like my job or just happy to be employed  Futurama Fry

Sees a shopping cart left in a parking space Moves it

Sees a shopping cart left in a parking space Moves it  Good Guy Greg

Installs Firefox Uses private browsing to buy you presents

Installs Firefox Uses private browsing to buy you presents  Good Guy Greg

Under all that belly fat There is a 6 pack waiting to show itself

Under all that belly fat There is a 6 pack waiting to show itself  Courage Wolf

he just threw his wallet in the mud and left it there he said he was testing testing his faith in humanity

he just threw his wallet in the mud and left it there he said he was testing testing his faith in humanity  Redditors Wife

McDonalds bag Temporary trashcan

McDonalds bag Temporary trashcan  Foul Bachelor Frog

I don't always brush my tongue But when I do, I almost vomit

I don't always brush my tongue But when I do, I almost vomit  The Most Interesting Man In The World