hear girls laughing What did I do?

hear girls laughing What did I do?  Paranoid Parrot

Gets yelled at for ripping head off of toy... I was just practicing

Gets yelled at for
ripping head off of toy... I was just
practicing  Insanity puppy

"Would you like soup or salad?" Yes

random atheists not knowing everything in the universe means science is nonsense not being able to disprove god is plenty of evidence he's real

random atheists not knowing everything in the universe means science is nonsense not being able to disprove god is plenty of evidence he's real  Religion Pigeon

Believes others should work hard to survive Doesn't work

Believes others should work hard to survive Doesn't work  Sheltering Suburban Mom

not sure if upset over getting laid off or excited at the prospect of playing games all the time

not sure if upset over getting laid off or excited at the prospect of playing games all the time  Futurama Fry

looking for item that's in your hand

looking for item that's in your hand  Scumbag Brain

Everyone turn on your laptops nap time

Everyone turn on your laptops nap time  Business Cat

Sees open seat next to someone on the bus Stands

Sees open seat next to someone on the bus Stands  Socially Awkward Penguin

Realized he parked over the line after getting out Goes back and straightens it out

Realized he parked over the line after getting out  Goes back and straightens it out  Good Guy Greg