Warhammer space marines? They totally ripped off Gears of War!

Warhammer space marines? They totally ripped off Gears of War!  Idiot Nerd Girl

Make simple house for the night Casually punch a hole in the wall in the morning

Make simple house for the night Casually punch a hole in the wall in the morning  Minecraft

A guy happens to be in the background of her profile picture "OMG WAT A STALKER!!!1"

A guy happens to be in the background of her profile picture

Calls herself a "stay at home mom" Hires a nanny and maid

Calls herself a

Shouts the answer in lecture so everyone knows how smart he is wrong answer

Shouts the answer in lecture so everyone knows how smart he is wrong answer  College Freshman

Remember when you swatted my nose with rolled up newspaper? So do I.

Remember when you 
swatted my nose with
rolled up newspaper? So do I.  Insanity puppy

Facebook: the place where I can read about all the fun stuff no one invited me to.

Facebook: the place where I can read about all the fun stuff no one invited me to.  Socially Awkward Penguin

Sexual Harrassment? I was just giving her a bath

Sexual Harrassment? I was just giving her a bath  Business Cat

If you masturbate on an airplane Would it Count as Hi-jacking?

If you masturbate on an airplane Would it Count as Hi-jacking?  Philosoraptor

Have to write a story about a friend Looks like I'm failing this assignment

Have to write a story about a friend Looks like I'm failing this assignment  Forever Alone