invite her to a movie She brings her boyfriend

invite her to a movie She brings her boyfriend  Friend-Zoned Phil

I don't always creep forward at a red light But when I do, it's for better radio reception

I don't always creep forward at a red light But when I do, it's for better radio reception  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Teaches Logic Believes in god

Teaches Logic Believes in god  Engineering Professor

Can't keep eyes open outside of bed Can't keep eyes closed in bed

Can't keep eyes open outside of bed Can't keep eyes closed in bed  Scumbag Brain

I don't always browse r/Atheism But when I do, I question everything i've ever known

I don't always browse r/Atheism But when I do, I question everything i've ever known  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Disregard advice Acquire toolbars.

Disregard advice Acquire toolbars.  Tech Impaired Duck

meets someone for first time forgets name immediately after

meets someone for first time forgets name immediately after  Socially Awkward Penguin

ghetto life was exceedingly cruel for the jews of krakow according to my readings into the subject

ghetto life was exceedingly cruel for the jews of krakow according to my readings into the subject  Successful Black Man

Can fly walk across street anyway

Can fly walk across street anyway  Scumbag Geese

Not sure if I should be upset by all the reposts Or upset that I recognize them all

Not sure if I should be upset by all the reposts Or upset that I recognize them all  Futurama Fry