let's BLAZE on to the next chapter

let's BLAZE on to the next chapter  Rasta Science Teacher

if you wanted to have a girlfriend you should have never became a redditor

if you wanted to have a girlfriend you should have never became a redditor  Captain Hindsight

Point of golf: hit ball less Don't play at all = win?

Point of golf: hit ball less Don't play at all = win?  Philosoraptor

Friend Zone Phil Then you're already used to rejection

Friend Zone Phil Then you're already used to rejection   Downvoting Roman

Has first good online conversation with person they like Reads it over constantly to make themselves feel good.

Has first good online conversation with person they like  Reads it over constantly to make themselves feel good.   Socially Awkward Penguin

See friend from high school for first time in 5 years Avoid at all costs

See friend from high school for first time in 5 years Avoid at all costs  Socially Awkward Penguin

shower, or sleep for 30 more minutes? sleep

shower, or sleep for 30 more minutes? sleep  Foul Bachelorette Frog

Not sure if friendzoning is really common Or redditors have no game

Not sure if friendzoning is really common Or redditors have no game  Futurama Fry

not sure if nice ass or just really tight pants

not sure if nice ass or just really tight pants  Futurama Fry

I found out I was pregnant. He's already calling the child "Stormageddon."

I found out I was pregnant. He's already calling the child