Cute girl in front of you holds the door open apologize

Cute girl in front of you holds the door open apologize  Socially Awkward Penguin

the only reason these guys hang out with me is because i pay for all the weed

the only reason these guys hang out with me is because i pay for all the weed  Forever Alone

No offense but, offends you

No offense but, offends you  Scumbag Steve

Do emails get delivered On Sundays?

Do emails get delivered On Sundays?  Grandma finds the Internet

Temperature Drops Below 60 Degrees Wears Northface Everywhere

Temperature Drops Below 60 Degrees Wears Northface Everywhere   College Freshman

see that shadowy coat rack in the corner that looks like a person? you donated that weeks ago.

see that shadowy coat rack in the corner that looks like a person? you donated that weeks ago.  Horrifying Houseguest

Morning classes are so stressful that i had to quit my job only works weekends

Morning classes are so stressful that i had to quit my job only works weekends  College Freshman

wants a quiet place so people can hear his new found guitar skills library

wants a quiet place so people can hear his new found guitar skills library  College Freshman

put something important in backpack check that its still there every 2 minutes

put something important in backpack check that its still there every 2 minutes  Paranoid Parrot

play music on laptop in library remove headphones repeatedly to make sure music isn't playing on speakers

play music on laptop in library remove headphones repeatedly to make sure music isn't playing on speakers  Paranoid Parrot