I don't always post humerous anecdotes on facebook But when I do, my family's comments ruin it

I don't always post humerous anecdotes on facebook But when I do, my family's comments ruin it  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Replies to your email ...in the subject line.

Replies to your email ...in the subject line.  Grandma finds the Internet

Pink Floyd? I didn't know she had a last name

Pink Floyd? I didn't know she had a last name  Musically Oblivious 8th Grader

Dad, Mom is screwing a golf pro. Yes, and...? He uses your clubs. She dies!

Dad, Mom is screwing a golf pro. Yes, and...? He uses your clubs. She dies!  Stare Dad

Put computer back together No extra screws

Put computer back together No extra screws  Success Kid

Returns Computer Because the Font is Too Small

Returns Computer Because the Font is Too Small  Grandma finds the Internet

Buy everything you need to make a great meal Eat all ingredients separately without cooking.

Buy everything you need to make a great meal Eat all ingredients separately without cooking.  Foul Bachelor Frog

Makes a post that is clearly political Posts in r/pics so I still have to see it

Makes a post that is clearly political Posts in r/pics so I still have to see it  Scumbag Redditor

yo bro I have no money for the electric bill new $120 shoes

yo bro I have no money for the electric bill new $120 shoes  Scumbag Steve

not sure if world is falling apart or just watching too much news

not sure if world is falling apart or just watching too much news  Futurama Fry