If Jesus walked on water, and humans are 78% water, Does walking on a person make me 78% jesus?

If Jesus walked on water, and humans are 78% water, Does walking on a person make me 78% jesus?  Philosoraptor

Fights big business practices recognize ceos are still people

Fights big business practices recognize ceos are still people  Good Guy Greg

Late to class Apologizes loudly, interrupts the class to explain why

Late to class Apologizes loudly, interrupts the class to explain why  College Freshman

queen can't believe those guys tried to cover glee

queen  can't believe those guys tried to cover glee  Musically Oblivious 8th Grader

I don't always decide to chug the remainder of the milk jug but when I do, I greatly underestimate how much is actually left

I don't always decide to chug the remainder of the milk jug but when I do, I greatly underestimate how much is actually left  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always go to mcdonalds but when I do, monopoly is back

I don't always go to mcdonalds but when I do, monopoly is back  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Computer have a Virus Puts it to sleep early for the night

Computer have a Virus Puts it to sleep early for the night  Grandma finds the Internet

"Insert Quote" -Steve Jobs [1955-2011]

after i binge drink Bitches wanna burp me

after i binge drink Bitches wanna burp me  Success Kid

Gets nervous about to Order Pizza remembers he can order online and not have to talk to anyone

Gets nervous about to Order Pizza remembers he can order online and not have to talk to anyone  Socially Awkward Penguin