Phone vibrated finished charging

Phone vibrated finished charging  Forever Alone

Stole the remote from somebody's house changes the channel every time he drives by

Stole the remote from somebody's house changes the channel every time he drives by  Scumbag Steve

Judas Priest? I'm more spiritual than religious.

Judas Priest? I'm more spiritual than religious.  Musically Oblivious 8th Grader

I don't always hold the door open for a girl but when I do, I get a good look on her ass

I don't always hold the door open for a girl but when I do, I get a good look on her ass  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Finds your house on Google Maps Asks you to step outside and wave

Finds your house on Google Maps Asks you to step outside and wave  Grandma finds the Internet

Stare at girl. Girl catches you staring, looks you in the eye. Immediately look at something else for relatively the same amount of time you were looking at the girl so the girl thinks you just shift where you're looking every few seconds and locking eye

Stare at girl.  Girl catches you staring, looks you in the eye. Immediately look at something else for relatively the same amount of time you were looking at the girl so the girl thinks you just shift where you're looking every few seconds and locking eye  Socially Awkward Penguin

makes you have the best dream ever only to depress the hell out of you in the morning

makes you have the best dream ever only to depress the hell out of you in the morning  Scumbag Brain

Man who stand on toilet High on pot

Man who stand on toilet High on pot  Confucius says

Walking on sidewalk with two friends walk on grass or behind them?

Walking on sidewalk with two friends walk on grass or behind them?  Socially Awkward Penguin

Asshole itches oh god its worms

Asshole itches oh god its worms  Paranoid Parrot