tried to Run up the slide made it all the way to the top

tried to Run up the slide made it all the way to the top  Success Kid

Not sure if period cramps or need to poop.

Not sure if period cramps or need to poop.  Leela Futurama

Are you using a PC or Mac? I'm using google

Are you using a PC or Mac? I'm using google  Grandma finds the Internet

3 day weekend? 10 times the homework

3 day weekend? 10 times the homework  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I don't always eat cookies Wait... yes I do

I don't always eat cookies Wait... yes I do  Cookieman

breast cancer foundation y u no spend that money on breast cancer research

breast cancer foundation y u no spend that money on breast cancer research   Y U No

Invited to first college party Fills entire wallet with condoms

Invited to first college party Fills entire wallet
with condoms  College Freshman

Whines about how many kids from his high school go to his college Only hangs out with kids from his high school

Whines about how many kids from his high school go to his college Only hangs out with kids from his high school  College Freshman

One person misbehaving punish everyone

One person misbehaving punish everyone  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Talk to girl possibly in love

Talk to girl possibly in love  Socially Awkward Penguin