I asked him to make me a grilled cheese sandwich He burnt down the house

I asked him to make me a grilled cheese sandwich He burnt down the house  Redditors Wife

Sink full of dirty dishes? Wash what you need in bathroom sink.

Sink full of dirty dishes? Wash what you need in bathroom sink.  Foul Bachelor Frog

student points out a mistake in her exam Lectures class about respecting your elders

student points out a mistake in her exam Lectures class about respecting your elders  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I don't always change my internet settings but when i do, i enable cookies

I don't always change my internet settings but when i do, i enable cookies  Cookieman

I don't always eat cookies but when i do, i eat them in a horrifyingly violent manner

I don't always eat cookies but when i do, i eat them in a horrifyingly violent manner  Cookieman

neighbor doesn't check mail for a few days OH god he's dead and rotting in the house

neighbor doesn't check mail for a few days OH god he's dead and rotting in the house  Paranoid Parrot

"It's going to be a long day" False. Every day is precisely 24 hours in duration.

"I think our neighbour is dead, should i call the police?" "Hold on, let me ask what reddit thinks first."

you wouldn't be so tired if you'd gone to bed at a reasonable hour

you wouldn't be so tired  if you'd gone to bed at a reasonable hour   Captain Hindsight

has a credit card and no job bill goes to his parents house.

has a credit card and no job bill goes to his parents house.  College Freshman