Phone screen suddenly lights up... Battery fully charged

Phone screen suddenly lights up... Battery fully charged  Forever Alone

Goes to party Spends all night hitting on lesbian

Goes to party Spends all night hitting on lesbian  Socially Awkward Penguin

christians say logic is a test of faith maybe religion is a test of logic

christians say logic
is a test of faith maybe religion is a test of logic  Philosoraptor

There sure is a lot of sin out there. Better kill everyone. Shit that didn't work. Better kill myself.

There sure is a lot of sin out there. Better kill everyone. Shit that didn't work. Better kill myself.   Advice God

bring laptop to bathroom 3 minutes of pooping, 45 minutes of reddit

bring laptop to bathroom 3 minutes of pooping, 45 minutes of reddit  Foul Bachelor Frog

halloween handing out candy to kids legally

halloween handing out candy to kids legally  Pedobear

shoves kim kardashian marriage news down your throat has the nerve to run a story asking why we're all obsessed with kim kardashian's marriage

shoves kim kardashian marriage news down your throat has the nerve to run a story asking why we're all obsessed with kim kardashian's marriage  Scumbag Media

I need another 40 pages to finish my doctoral thesis

I need another 40 pages to finish my doctoral thesis  Successful Black Man

It takes many nails to build a crib But only one screw to fill it

It takes many nails to build a crib But only one screw to fill it  Confucius says

Holds elevator door for someone who doesn't need to get in Apologizes for holding the door

Holds elevator door for someone who doesn't need to get in Apologizes for holding the door  Socially Awkward Penguin