Forgot to fap for two days Like finding twenty dollars in your pocket

Forgot to fap for two days  Like finding twenty dollars in your pocket  Foul Bachelor Frog

i caught him masturbating into my shoes he said it was for womens rights

i caught him masturbating into my shoes he said it was for womens rights  Redditors Wife

Hugs Cute girl Boner

Hugs Cute girl Boner  Socially Awkward Penguin

Find stain on clothes Scratch and Sniff

Find stain on clothes Scratch and Sniff  Foul Bachelor Frog

Takes OCD meds at same time every day OCD over whether it's OCD

Takes OCD meds at same time every day OCD over whether it's OCD  OCD Otter

Do you really need that beer to relax? On xanax

Do you really need that beer to relax? On xanax  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Judge for family court cases... BEATS DAUGHTER

Judge for family court cases... BEATS DAUGHTER  Scumbag Judge William Adams

check zipper before exiting bathroom subtly check again when outside

check zipper before exiting bathroom subtly check again when outside  Paranoid Parrot

Headphones not working? New graphics card

Headphones not working? New graphics card  GeekSquad Gus

not sure if speedometer is broken or everyone else is going 100

not sure if speedometer is broken or everyone else is going 100  Futurama Fry