Not sure if headache because coffee or need coffee

Not sure if headache because coffee or need coffee  Futurama Fry

It's so hot The pillow has no cool side

It's so hot The pillow has no cool side  First World Problems

I take my girlfriend with me to get my hair cut because seeing another woman wash my hair leads to crazy, jealous sex.

I take my girlfriend with me to get my hair cut because seeing another woman wash my hair leads to crazy, jealous sex.  Confession Bear

Breaks something expensive of yours "Why would you spend that much on it anyway?"

Breaks something expensive of yours

If you are having trouble meeting people at parties pick up smoking. It is a great way to get away from the party and talk in a more intimate setting

If you are having trouble meeting people at parties pick up smoking. It is a great way to get away from the party and talk in a more intimate setting  Malicious Advice Mallard

If you want to access Pandora, Hulu or Netflix outside of the US, download the Chrome/ Firefox extension called MediaHint

If you want to access Pandora, Hulu or Netflix outside of the US, download the Chrome/ Firefox extension called MediaHint  Actual Advice Mallard

She says: "I only need to go to ONE store - wanna come?" IT'S A TRAP!

She says:

I love Star Trek I have seen both of the movies

I love Star Trek I have seen both of the movies  Idiot Nerd Girl

Ask girl where her accent is from Says she just has a speech impediment

Ask girl where her accent is from Says she just has a speech impediment  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

So you're telling me women pay money for fingernails to put on top of their fingernails?

So you're telling me women pay money for fingernails to put on top of their fingernails?  Skeptical Third World Child