Hairy pits wear shirts with sleeves

Hairy pits wear shirts with sleeves  Foul Bachelorette Frog

change hands while masturbating threesome

change hands while masturbating threesome  Forever Alone

ask her to change a grade she miscalculated "looks like you got lucky"

ask her to change a grade she miscalculated

not sure if i'm using a calculator to do simple math because i'm lazy or if i don't trust myself to get it right

not sure if i'm using a calculator to do simple math because i'm lazy or if i don't trust myself to get it right  Futurama Fry

"Dude, i have no time for homework." stays up all night playing call of duty.

Didn't like my beard at first but it grew on me

Didn't like my beard at first but it grew on me  Lame Pun Coon

I can't stand the west -boro baptist church. they really need to learn some tolerance.

I can't stand the west -boro baptist church. they really need to learn some tolerance.  Ordinary Muslim Man

Go to use the building's bathroom First person after the cleaning guy

Go to use the building's bathroom First person after the cleaning guy  Success Kid

about to order pizza rehearse out loud before calling

about to order pizza rehearse out loud before calling  Socially Awkward Penguin

Goes on the internet at judge adams' house

Goes on the internet at judge adams' house  Insanity Wolf