can't tell if old clothes are stretched out or if I'm losing weight

can't  tell if old clothes are stretched out or if I'm losing weight  Futurama Fry

Waits 5 hours in line on black friday buys stuff for himself

Waits 5 hours in line on black friday buys stuff for himself  Forever Alone

made 2 million in the market yesterday... donated a quarter to charity now i have $1,999,999.75

made 2 million in the market yesterday... donated a quarter to charity now i have $1,999,999.75  Rich Raven

There are no such things as fake boobs If you can touch them, they are real.

There are no such things as fake boobs If you can touch them, they are real.  Wise Wondering Viscacha

Titles meme "every single time..." Only happened once

Titles meme

Drank too much last night Awake at 5AM the next morning for no reason

Drank too much last night Awake at 5AM the next morning for no reason  First World Problems

Climbing corporate ladder can't get down

Climbing corporate ladder can't get down  Business Cat

I will have your head spinning with these beautiful discounted rugs

I will have your head spinning with these beautiful discounted rugs  Ordinary Muslim Man

Make tiny mistake at work Assume I'm getting fired

Make tiny mistake at work Assume I'm getting fired  Paranoid Parrot

not sure if i'm ugly or just intimidatingly attractive

not sure if i'm ugly or just intimidatingly attractive  Futurama Fry