Can't tell if socially awkward or just considerate, respectful, intelligent, unselfish, and aware of how ignorant and shitty most people are.

Can't tell if socially awkward or just considerate,  respectful, intelligent, unselfish, and aware of how ignorant and shitty most people are.  Socially Awkward Penguin

"Am I doing this right?" I Know I am

I have mastered explosives in fallout: new vegas

I have mastered explosives in fallout: new vegas  Ordinary Muslim Man

Really nice dinner Doesn't taste as nice when re-heated in my microwave the next day

Really nice dinner Doesn't taste as nice when re-heated in my microwave the next day  First World Problems

Total votes end in 99 upvote regardless of content

Total votes end in 99 upvote regardless of content  OCD Otter

goes for a chinese, asks for everyones fortune cookies enough deep status updates for a week

goes for a chinese, asks for everyones fortune cookies enough deep status updates for a week  Annoying Facebook Girl

I will beat your kids If i ever get a chance to play them at mario kart

I will beat your kids
 If i ever get a chance to play them at mario kart
  Dating Site Murderer

My master had me neutered so i returned the favor

My master had me neutered so i returned the favor  Insanity puppy

Believes the apocalypse is coming Denies climate change

Believes the apocalypse is coming Denies climate change  Scumbag Christian

Forces First Timer to Smoke Too Much Makes Fun of How High they Are

Forces First Timer to Smoke Too Much Makes Fun of How High they Are  Scumbag Steve