girl sets her foot on top of yours don't move it for the rest of the meal so she thinks it's the table leg

girl sets her foot on top of yours don't move it for the rest of the meal so she thinks it's the table leg  Socially Awkward Penguin

Leave late for work get to work early

Leave late for work get  to work early  Success Kid

Waitress gets order wrong Well i guess that sounded good too

Waitress gets order wrong Well i guess that sounded good too  Socially Awkward Penguin

Receives booklist for class Buys every book on it

Receives booklist for class Buys every book on it  College Freshman

Don't tell me the sky is the limit When there are footprints on the moon

Don't tell me the sky is the limit When there are footprints on the moon  Buzz Aldrin

our cleaning lady came today she moved my stuff around

our cleaning lady came today she moved my stuff around  First World Problems

i got 99 cookies cause a bitch ate one

i got 99 cookies cause a bitch ate one  Cookie Monster

11/11/11 11:11:11 OMGGGGGGGGGGG

11/11/11 11:11:11 OMGGGGGGGGGGG  Annoying Facebook Girl

Mom said there would be kids my age there... Never talking to her again

Mom said there would be kids my age there... Never talking to her again  Angry School Boy

Installs clapper on lights instant strobe light during sex

Installs clapper on lights instant strobe light during sex  Socially Awesome Penguin