notices pimple before leaving house everyone in the world is staring at me

notices pimple before leaving house everyone in the world is staring at me  Paranoid Parrot

plugged in the USB cable On the first try

plugged in the USB cable On the first try  Success Kid

"It's so awesome being independent!" Goes home every weekend

Someone posts inappropriate status omg hacked

Someone posts inappropriate status omg hacked  Annoying Facebook Girl

Makes a joke, everyone laughs had planned that joke for 3 months

Makes a joke, everyone laughs had planned that joke for 3 months  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

Waiting for the bus at a busy station pretends to text so no one will bother him

Waiting for the bus at a busy station pretends to text so no one will bother him  Socially Awkward Penguin

He told me to meet him in our bedroom When i opened the door, a airhorn woke the kids...

He told me to meet him in our bedroom When i opened the door, a airhorn woke the kids...  Redditors Wife

Tells people has plans for the night spends rest of night at home with lights off

Tells people has plans for the night spends rest of night at home with lights off  Socially Awkward Penguin

I don't always go to the ATM but when I do, I am probably about to buy some drugs

I don't always go to the ATM but when I do, I am probably about to buy some drugs  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Not sure if actually hungry or just bored...

Not sure if actually hungry or just bored...  Futurama Fry