You finished your test? Check your answers. You already did that? CHECK IT AGAIN

You finished your test? Check your answers. You already did that? CHECK IT AGAIN  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Saw me bangin' on the sofa It wasn't me

Saw me bangin' on the sofa It wasn't me  Forever Alone

I don't always use Q-Tips but when I do, there better be a lot of wax to look at.

I don't always use Q-Tips but when I do, there better be a lot of wax to look at.  The Most Interesting Man In The World

COmplains about high tuition doesn't go to class

COmplains about high tuition doesn't go to class  Scumbag Steve

Comes to class sick plays on phone entire class

Comes to class sick plays on phone entire class  College Freshman

Theres an hour left in class but I only have 40 minutes of battery left on my laptop

Theres an hour left in class but I only have 40 minutes of battery left on my laptop  First World Problems

There was a fire at the circus That shit was in tents

There was a fire at the circus That shit was in tents  Lame Pun Coon

She promised sex at least four times a week before we got married she didn't say with who

She promised sex at least four times a week before we got married she didn't say with who  Repressed Suburban Father

If people are "happy to pay their taxes" why do they pay as little as possible every year?

If people are

Gets all the credit for your sexual performance

Gets all the credit for your sexual performance  Scumbag God is an SBF