Feels lonely when alone, desires company Feels drained around people, desires solitude

Feels lonely when alone, desires company Feels drained around people, desires solitude   Scumbag Brain

Let's take all the money that's donated to religion and use it for things that actually matter

Let's take all the money that's donated to religion and use it for things that actually matter  Push it somewhere else Patrick

i don't stop when i'm tired i stop when i'm done

i don't stop when i'm tired i stop when i'm done  Courage Wolf

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it I'd buy the soundtrack

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it I'd buy the soundtrack  Hipster Kitty

Someone asked me today if I was Bi I told them that was none of their Bismuth

Someone asked me today if I was Bi I told them that was none of their Bismuth  Chemistry Cat

Leave the room to go poop Do your business as fast as possible so nobody suspects you left the room to go poop

Leave the room to go poop Do your business as fast as possible so nobody suspects you left the room to go poop  Socially Awkward Penguin

yes please, explain to me why I'm wrong.

yes please, explain to me why I'm wrong.  Creepy Wonka

last person to get the sign in sheet in class what the fuck do i do with it

last person to get the sign in sheet in class what the fuck do i do with it  Socially Awkward Penguin

Realize you and the co-worker you are walking behind are going to the same place go somewhere else so they don't think you're following them

Realize you and the co-worker you are walking behind are going to the same place go somewhere else so they don't think you're following them  Socially Awkward Penguin

says something funny repeats it all day to different people

says something funny repeats it all day to different people  Socially Awkward Penguin