Not sure if enjoying the finer things in life Or just settling for less

Not sure if enjoying the finer things in life Or just settling for less  Futurama Fry

Uses facebook 20 hours straight you play games? get a life

Uses facebook 20 hours straight you play games?
get a life  Annoying Facebook Girl

"your hands are so soft!" Oh thanks, i use lotion everyday.

Cat tried to run away... Tried to

Cat tried to run away...
 Tried to  Insanity puppy

Parents walk in during 5 second sex scene fap violently

Parents walk in during 5 second sex scene fap violently  Insanity Wolf


GPS ARRIVAL TIME 2:38 ARRIVE AT 2:37  Success Kid

Go to vending machine for a snack all i have is a twenty

Go to vending machine for a snack all i have is a twenty  First World Problems

Dog stares into empty room and barks RUN

Dog stares into empty room and barks RUN  Paranoid Parrot

want to eat my bagel bites now but they are hotter than the core of the sun

want to eat my bagel bites now but they are hotter than the core of the sun  First World Problems

Peels a tangerine in one continuous peel

Peels a  tangerine in one continuous peel  Success Kid