Think you'd look good in my clothing? Trust me. You won't.

Think you'd look good in my clothing? Trust me. You won't.  Le Snob

Buy new clothes to boost self esteem Someone takes them.

Buy new clothes to boost self esteem Someone takes them.  Depression Dog

Someone needs new clothing? I'll give them a nice pair of cement shoes.

Someone needs new clothing? I'll give them a nice pair of cement shoes.  Baby Godfather

Bring back All the stolen laundry!

Bring back All the stolen laundry!  All The Things

Feel like stealing something? why not zoidberg?

Feel like stealing something? why not zoidberg?  Futurama Zoidberg

This would be so much better... If I had my favorite shirt.

This would be so much better... If I had my favorite shirt.  Sad Keanu

Adam Sandler y u no make good movies anymore

Adam Sandler y u no make good movies anymore   Y U No

Steal someone's laundry They recognize you when you wear their clothing

Steal someone's laundry They recognize you when you wear their clothing  Hawkward Hawk

Took someone's laundry by accident Brought it back

Took someone's laundry by accident Brought it back  Success Kid

Have no friends Steal laundry and use it to dress body pillows

Have no friends Steal laundry and use it to dress body pillows  Forever Alone