"I'm just an average American" Fancy Feast At Every Meal

Needs new jacket throws house party

Needs new jacket throws house party  Lazy College Senior

"I'm just an average American" Fancy feast for every meal

Why don't you take all the money you spend on christmas decorations and give it to people who need food

Why don't you take all the money you spend on christmas decorations and give it to people who need food  Push it somewhere else Patrick

Drunk Still can't talk to girls

Drunk Still can't talk to girls  Socially Awkward Penguin

Can't find my phone Can't call it because I left it on silent

Can't find my phone Can't call it because I left it on silent  First World Problems

went to art museum naked paintings

went to art museum  naked paintings  Success Kid

Has to poop at school holds it in for 6 periods to poop at home

Has to poop at school holds it in for 6 periods to poop at home  Socially Awkward Penguin

Adopt blind child rearrange furniture daily

Adopt blind child rearrange furniture daily  Insanity Wolf

Goes to Europe to experience different cultures Eats nothing but McDonald's

Goes to Europe to experience different cultures Eats nothing but McDonald's   Study Abroad Bitch