I don't always shit in a public restroom but when I do, it sounds like a Michael Bay film

I don't always shit in a public restroom but when I do, it sounds like a Michael Bay film  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I don't always slow down to let you merge in front of me But when I do, you better fucking wave

I don't always slow down to let you merge in front of me But when I do, you better fucking wave  The Most Interesting Man In The World

What if we are on Atlantis, and the rest of the world sank?

What if we are on Atlantis, and the rest of the world sank?  conspiracy keanu

Actually went to 9 o'clock class rewards self with the rest of the day off

Actually went to 9 o'clock class rewards self with the rest of the day off  Lazy College Senior

Thanksgiving Denny's or IHOP?

Thanksgiving Denny's or IHOP?  Forever Alone

set up a stand giving away free bacon in israel

set up a stand giving away free bacon in israel  Insanity Wolf

First weekend at college takes a piss in closet

First weekend at college takes a piss in closet  College Freshman

Eating the crumbs in a bag of chips Find a Full chip

Eating the crumbs in a bag of chips Find a Full chip  Success Kid

finish morning workout Clear browser history

finish morning workout Clear browser history  Foul Bachelor Frog

Bored at the airport? Yell bomb!

Bored at the airport? Yell bomb!  Bad Advice Cat