Essentially Pepper spray = Vegetable pizza = vegetable ERGO, Pepper Spray = free pizza!

Essentially Pepper spray = Vegetable
pizza = vegetable
ERGO,  Pepper Spray = free pizza!  essentially megyn kelly

What if air is poisonous And it just takes 80 years to kill us

What if air is poisonous And it just takes 80 years to kill us  conspiracy keanu

I don't usually want to cuddle but when I do, i find the one person allergic to me

I don't usually want to cuddle but when I do, i find the one person allergic to me  The Most Interesting Cat in the World

Heartbroken from breakup doesn't vent through facebook

Heartbroken from breakup doesn't vent through facebook  Good Guy Greg

Skin Cancer It's a tan, essentially

Skin Cancer It's a tan, essentially  Megyn Kelly

friend wants to see what's on your ipod prepare to be judged

friend wants to see what's on your ipod prepare to be judged  Socially Awkward Penguin

Click the wrong link Clicked the right link before it loaded

Click the wrong link Clicked the right link before it loaded  Success Kid

I don't care if he is the tickle monster Let him know I will get the last laugh.

I don't care if he is the tickle monster Let him know I will get the last laugh.  Baby Godfather

I'm coming for your family dinner. It was really sweet of you to invite me to meet your parents

I'm coming for 
your family dinner. It was really sweet of you to invite me to meet your parents  Dating Site Murderer

The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray  is now a seasoned veteran.  Lame Pun Coon