Warns political parties will be the downfall of the USA Is right

Warns political parties will be the downfall of the USA Is right  Good Guy George

Doesn't let you go to the water fountain. Sucking back a diet pepsi.

Doesn't let you go to the water fountain. Sucking back a diet pepsi.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

oh, you play call of duty? You must know all there is to war

oh, you play call of duty? You must know all there is to war  Creepy Wonka

Oh, you're twice my age? You must know everything.

Oh, you're twice my age? You must know everything.  Creepy Wonka

Makes a meme Uses way too much text and therefore, no one can really enjoy the joke because the meme looks like hell

Makes a meme Uses way too much text and therefore, no one can really enjoy the joke because the meme looks like hell  Tech Impaired Duck

gives you the ability to talk to girls takes away your ability to make sense

gives you the ability to talk to girls takes away your ability to make sense   Scumbag Alcohol

I love kids with ketchup!

I love kids with ketchup!  Insanity puppy

Oh, this is the first election cycle since you turned old enough to vote? Yes, please tell me more about your political wisdom

Oh, this is the first election cycle since you turned old enough to vote? Yes, please tell me more about your political wisdom  Creepy Wonka

washing machine in house still takes all his laundry home for his mom to wash

washing machine in house still takes all his laundry home for his mom to wash  College Freshman

Hears you're not going home for thanksgiving Invites you to his

Hears you're not going home for thanksgiving Invites you to his  Good Guy Greg