What if the light I see at the end of my life Is the first light I see outside the womb in my next life

What if the light I see at the end of my life Is the first light I see outside the womb in my next life  conspiracy keanu

Receives a text message wait 5 minutes to reply to look busy

Receives a text message wait 5 minutes to reply to look busy  Socially Awkward Penguin

"You get what you pay for" Of course, that is how purchasing works.

Friendzones you Gets mad when she sees you with another girl

Friendzones you Gets mad when she sees you with another girl  Friend Zone Fiona

What if sleep is our natural domain and we only wake to sustain ourselves before our next nap.

What if sleep is our natural domain and we only wake to sustain ourselves before our next nap.  conspiracy keanu

Available balance: $.86 Didn't go negative

Available balance: $.86 Didn't go negative  Success Kid

Goes to football game Anxiety atack from all the seating options

Goes to football game Anxiety atack from all the seating options  Rebecca Black

being unattractive is just playing the dating game on hard mode.

being unattractive is just playing the dating game on hard mode.  Forever Alone

Wants to get more turkey and stuffing Won't have room for pumpkin pie later

Wants to get more turkey and stuffing Won't have room for pumpkin pie later  First World Problems

I don't always go outside barefoot but when I do, I step on every sharp object that exists.

I don't always go outside barefoot but when I do, I step on every sharp object that exists.  The Most Interesting Man In The World