Everybody thinks I'm Zelda

Everybody thinks I'm Zelda  Okay Link

Dad they're in the yard Who's in the yard? All the boys MY MILKSHAKES!

Dad they're in the yard Who's in the yard? All the boys MY MILKSHAKES!   Stare Dad

Doesn't let you watch scary movies Takes you to church to learn about hell

Doesn't let you watch scary movies Takes you to church to learn about hell  Sheltering Suburban Mom

you're alone in your suite and have nothing to do tonight? lol, same here.

you're alone in your suite and have nothing to do tonight? lol, same here.  Sexually Oblivious Rhino

Not sure if marriages are failing from facebook and cellphones Or people back in the day cheated and got away with it

Not sure if marriages are failing from facebook and cellphones Or people back in the day cheated and got away with it  Futurama Fry

Keeps kids away from sugar Drinks sweet tea all day

Keeps kids away from sugar Drinks sweet tea all day   Sheltering Suburban Mom

see somebody familiar in distance look at ground until foot away

see somebody familiar in distance look at ground until foot away  Socially Awkward Penguin

I don't always have the urge to put song lyrics as my FB status but when I do, I refrain

I don't always have the urge to put song lyrics as my FB status  but when I do, I refrain  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Says, "Omg if ur gonna say shit about me behind my back, why dont u just say it to my face?!" on facebook


If two blind people are dating would you say they're seeing each other?

If two blind people are dating would you say they're seeing each other?  Philosoraptor